Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Manistee Vacation/Uncle Will's Party

Hello, Family and Friends!

We've been having a great summer... it's been so much fun to see everyone and to see my baby brother get so much bigger. I'm getting bigger, too, and I love to sing. I know the words to lots of songs, and the soundtrack to "The Sound of Music" is now one of my favorites. I could listen to "The Lonely Goatherd" over and over again, but I call it "O-Lady-O" which makes perfect sense if you know the song.

Anyway, like I said, Bennett is getting so big. He loves his new friend...

But he still loves his swing. Here he is sleeping with his leg up...

Getting ready to go on our Manistee vacation. Can you believe Daddy had the whole week off??

Tighe and Carlee, Uncle Rod and Aunt Peggy came over to Gamma's for the fireworks...

This was the sunset of the 3rd of July, the night of the fireworks. We had so many beautiful sunsets that week, but here's a picture of just one of them...

Carlee and I are watching the sunset and playing in the sand...

We had a big bonfire with the neighbors, Al and Janet, and all their guests. Here I am sitting on Miss Janet's lap. She's so good to Gamma and all of us!

Here's a picture of all of us around the fire watching the fireworks.

Mommy and Aunt Peggy talking to me.

The next morning was the Fourth of July parade. We got there late and left early because I was really tired (I like to get up early on vacation!)

Uncles Randy and Rod, Mom and Aunt Peggy waiting for the parade to begin.

Bennett is getting to be such a big boy... here he was sitting up so straight! He doesn't sit on his own yet, but now he is rolling everywhere!

Gaa loves Ben and Ben loves Gaa (and his fingers!)

Mommy got me a little elephant watering can so I can help Gamma water all her pretty flowers!

Saturday, Mommy had to work so Daddy and Gamma took us to the petting zoo. I loved the kangaroos!

I met up with my cousins Maegan and Emilee at the carnival, too!

Another beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan!

Uncle Rick holding Bennett...

Mady and Blaire walked down from Orchard Beach while they were camping just to see us! (Their moms and aunt (Laure, Lisa and Maria) came down later! Thank you for visiting! Hope it didn't rain too hard on you that night!

Here I am in the swimming pool with my dress on! Later we turned it into a sandbox (and yes, I realize that I had a whole beach of sand to play with!)

Watering Gamma's plants again. I'm such a good helper!

Aunt Kay and Uncle Bob came with Busia Belle to visit.

Bennett sitting with Gaa and her big sister, Belle.

Uncle Bill, Billy, Chris and Sarah came from the east to visit, too! They sure love to play cards!

Bennett liked Sarah... see his smile?

A big lower laker came out of the river during my nap. Good thing Mommy took a picture of it!

Courtney helped me look for bugs. That's my new obsession. Bugs are cool (except for the one I was playing with in my sandbox at home the other day. Mommy called it an earwig, even though it didn't look like either an ear or a wig. She didn't like me playing with that one!)

Maegan helped feed Bennett. Really soon he'll be able to eat other things than rice cereal!

Thursday afternoon, we finally got our suits on and went to swim in the lake. I got knocked over by a wave and the water was cold, so I didn't love it, but I still keep asking to go swimming in "Gamma's lake!"

Well, Bennett found his thumb... although since that week we think he's forgotten where it is!


Friday we headed over to Gaylord for Uncle Wow's Florida Farewell... he's going to medical school to be a doctor like Daddy! The party was a lot of fun. I played golf with Dad and Hunter... Daddy actually golfed three times that week and is quite good!

Aunt Mary Beth holding Bennett...

Gigi and Uncle Keith came up for the party, and so did Miss Geri and Miss Carynne! It was nice to have so many people there!

Bennett got cranky for a little while, then Mommy took off his clothes and he was happy. He was even happier chewing on Miss Geri's finger! She's going to be a wonderful grandma!

Swinging with Aunt Mary Beth and Hunter.

Mr. Kelly brought his harmonica and bongo drums and he showed us how to play!

Daddy brought his guitar, too, and he played for us by the fire that night. He's really good and we all wish he would play more often. Mr. Kelly played his drums and harmonica then, too. Good idea, Kelly, to jam!

The next day a deer came in to Gramma's backyard. She didn't stay very long, but Mom got a few pictures of her!

That evening before we all went out to dinner, Mommy fed Bennett and then as she was burping him they both fell asleep. I guess Mommy was tired from all the vacationing (did I mention that I like to wake up really early when I'm on vacation?)

We went to Michawye Inn the Woods for dinner (thanks again, Gigi!) and got a great picture of Uncle Will and Bennett. (It took a few tries...)

The next day we went to Miss Jan's to see Grampa Dave and Aunt Pam. Grampa Dave and Miss Jan are going to get married next year! This was the first time Aunt Pam met Bennett. It was so nice to see her... it has been too long!

We had grilled pizzas and mac'n'cheese on the patio. It was a nice way to end our vacation.

Thank you to everyone who let us stay with them for our vacation. We had such a good time seeing everybody, and afterwards, I kept talking about everyone I had seen. We all look forward to seeing everyone again soon!

Miss you and love you!


P.S. Aunt Jen came and took some pictures of me, Bennett, Foxx and Kate last week. She has a preview up on her blog... click the link at the top right that says "Aunt Jen's Photo Blog" and scroll down to the post titled "Mollee, Ben, Foxx and Kate" from July 21.