Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer is ALMOST here!

Sorry it's been so long since we've blogged. Mommy went back to work a few weeks ago, and I've been sick and we've just been generally busy. So I'll catch you up on what we've been doing this past month!

I love it when my daddy comes home from work, but I don't like it when he has his scrub cap on his head. I do, however, like it when it is on MY (or Bennett's) head!

I got to fingerpaint one afternoon that it was raining. First off, Mom took off my shirt because she thought I might make a mess (I don't know what gave her that idea!) and then I got to smear paint all over! I'm not so great at creating anything recognizable, although I am great at mixing all the colors together. Eventually the paint was more of a brownish-turquoise!
Mom thought that Bennett looked like a boxer getting ready for a fight here...
... he loves to put up his fists and hit Mom's hands! This is such a nice picture of Ben!


"Hello, can you help me? My big sister wants to share her toys with me and I don't quite know what to do with them yet!"

"Oh, and by the way, will someone tell Daddy to wake up? Not that I mind resting here against him..."

Gamma Penny and Gaa came to visit us... it was so nice to have them here! Bennett told us a great story and we were all enthralled!

Gamma is putting Bennett in a trance by rubbing his forehead!

Okay... this time Bennett is sleeping and Daddy is awake... that's good!

I don't really remember who Ben was smiling at here... but these days he smiles so much, it doesn't really matter, does it? Hopefully soon he'll smile at you, too!

We loved this shot of Bennett playing Pinochle with Gamma... there was one of me with Bapa when he had a hundred aces and a run... I was about 6 months old at the time. I don't think Ben knows what to bid with this hand. We'll have to teach him!

Oink, oink!

We went to the John Ball Zoo with Aunt Melissa, Foxx, Kate and Rylan. We had such a good time and I learned all about the animals! And a few days later, Foxx and I learned all about rotavirus. That was NOT a good time.

Here we all are in the aquarium... but then Mom's camera ran out of batteries, so there aren't any more pictures of us at the Zoo!

Later that week, Aunt Beth and Hunter came to visit us. We had a great time together... we went to the jungle gym across the street to play.

Aunt Holly came over, too, and played with us. We love having her here and we're glad she's so close and has been able to spend so much time with us!

Super Bennett, flying in for a kiss from Daddy!

Since I got my cool kitchen from my Pepera cousins, we needed some storage for all my food. This is my little pantry, and somehow I managed to climb inside it. Mom still hasn't the faintest idea how it did it! I guess I'm a magician!

Well, we had so much fun with Hunter and Aunt Beth that we decided to go back up north with them for the weekend. Hunter showed me his backyard and where to shoot a deer (there's one in the back left corner of the picture that we had just gone to see...)

Hunter has this awesome swingset in his backyard. I even got to swing on the big-girl swing. I wasn't afraid and I didn't let go!

Don't mess with me... I have a bat and I don't know how to use it!

Hunter thinks it's cool to have a baby around. He's so helpful with Bennett... I think he needs a baby brother or sister, don't you?????

Gamma Jackie was taking care of these very strange looking creatures that she said were dogs. They are some funky mix of something and a dachshund. Their names are Lily and Tootie, and they are Coco's dogs. They were actually really nice.

Silly face!

On Mother's Day, Gamma came over to have lunch at Aunt Beth and Uncle Don's. We got to swing on the big swing on Hunter's swingset together! Bennett, too!

It was nice to be with Gamma on Mother's Day!

I think she enjoyed being with her grandkids, too!

While we were playing outside, we saw a garter snake. He was so cool... the dogs thought so, too, but I don't think Uncle Don liked him very much!

Back at home, there was a very cool Blue Heron in our backyard. We also have lots of geese and ducks, and my mom says that she's pretty sure they've had babies and that we'll see them marching through our backyard sometime soon! Click on the picture to see him better.

Well, we've been trying to get these photos online for so long, we already have more photos to post. We'll try to get those up by the end of the week... but it's my birthday on Monday, so I don't know if I'll have time in between unwrapping all the presents (he he he)...

See you soon!

Love, Mollee