Friday, February 29, 2008

Lots of Visitors

We have been having so much fun this week. I have seen so many people in my family... I've gotten lots of presents and I've loved spending time with everyone! Bennett has enjoyed all the cuddling, too... although here's a picture of him trying to figure out why he's in his Moses basket and not being held.

Our Grampa Dave came to stay with us early last week. He thought Ben was pretty neat.

Faust thought Grampa was neat, too... especially with his black pants on. Here's Grampa with the boys.

Mommy took this nice picture of Daddy holding Bennett.
Mommy's friend Emi came to visit. She was very nice. She's getting married this weekend, and then she has to move away. We wish her the best of luck! (By the way, Mom's friend Alison came over with her daughter Hailey earlier in the week, and we got to play together, but none of those pictures turned out!)

Aunt Beth came over on Thursday after the Bon Jovi concert (Mommy was very jealous... especially since Uncle Wow got to go see them in Chicago and she didn't get to see them at all!)

I love all kinds of music and Mommy and Daddy say I'm such a good dancer! I can clap and jump and spin and stomp to the beat. I ask to listen to music all the time.

Aunt Jen came on Friday to take more pictures of us. Check out her blog under "10 Fingers, 10 Toes..." for a sneak preview!

Gramma Jackie came on Friday and brought Hunter. Here she is with her boys. Don't worry... I got lots of attention, too!

Hunter is a two-fisted drinker. Won't Uncle Don be proud? At least it's not two cups of tea...

Aunt Beth and Aunt Steph made a cake for Mommy's birthday. Here Aunt Beth is lighting the candles. It's a good thing she didn't try to light as many candles as my mom is years old... she would have started a fire!

Mommy's pretty excited... her first un-pregnant glass of wine! Happy Birthday! She said that she had everything she could ever wish for on her birthday this year.

Um, Mommy, you'd better not forget about my piece of cake!!

Trying to take a picture with three kids is pretty tough. I don't think Bennett was having fun, do you?

An apple a day is how Aunt Steph stays so beautiful. But what's in this little black bag??

I must have been doing something pretty funny for Aunt Holly to laugh this hard!

Uncle Wow says, "Diaper duty? Who do you think I am?!"

Bupa and Grandma Penny stayed for several days this week. Bupa has always called me his aspirin, but now he calls Bennett his Valium. The baby keeps him warm and relaxed.

Bennett's about sick of all the pictures we've been taking of him. "No more photos, please."

We had a couple of beautiful sunsets this week. It's snowing (again) right now... we are ready for Spring, even though it's so pretty outside.

Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well. We are really excited for Bennett to meet everyone else in our family, but we know it'll take some time. In the meantime, we'll keep you up to date with photos as often as possible. Take care!



Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Bennett Valentine Ozdych

Hey, Everyone!

I am so sorry that it's taken us nearly a week to post... as you can imagine, it's been a pretty busy time for our family. As you can see, we've finally decided on a name for my new brother. It took Mommy and Daddy until about 15 minutes before they left the hospital, but we brought home Bennett Valentine Ozdych on Sunday afternoon!

But before all of that happened, Grandma and Bupa came to visit on Saturday. They thought our new baby was pretty cute.

Grandma and I hung out and watched Monsters, Inc. It's one of my favorites!

This is a cute funny picture my mommy took of Bennett in the middle of the night... he kind of looks like he's pouting in his sleep!

Here's Daddy changing Bennett before he comes home! Kinda looks like he's ready to go skiing, huh??

Before they came home, Bennett needed another nap.

We put Ben in his carseat... I don't think he quite knows what's going on. But Mommy and Daddy said that he fills out his carseat quite a bit better than I did! (But he weighs a pound and a half more than I did!)

I'm ready to take home my baby brother!

Grandma and Bupa were waiting for us when we got there. I think Bennett likes hanging out with her, don't you? I guess I can share!

Yeah, he's pretty cute, huh?

On Monday, Mommy and Daddy and I gave our baby his first "sponge bath". He seemed to like it okay. I helped Mommy with his socks and hat! This big sister stuff is fun!

After his bath, I got to hold Bennett for a little while. I was very gentle.

I think Daddy's in love!

Okay, well, you'll have to forgive the short commentary, but I hope the pictures are okay. We have some more because we've had some other visitors, but my guess is I won't be able to update again until after this weekend. I'm such a lucky girl to get to see all of my family! Having a new baby is really fun. Maybe Mommy can't pick me up, but Daddy got this week off, so it's been terrific having him around. Mommy says that Bennett is eating well and sleeping well. He doesn't cry very much. Yesterday we went to the doctor and he weighed 6 lbs 11 ozs. which is really close to what he was when he was born. And I got to step on the scale - I've gained a pound and a half in three months! I'm such a big girl now... which is good, because now I'm a big sister!
Hoping to see you all soon,
Love, Mollee

Friday, February 15, 2008


Hi, Everyone!

Well, it happened a few days sooner than expected... but he's here! We don't know what his first name is yet (we hope he tells us soon!) but since his middle name had already been chosen as Valentine, I suppose it's only fitting that he had to come on February 14th! (For those of you who didn't know, Valentine was Daddy's Uncle Bill Ozdych's real name, and it has been passed down for generations.) Here's how it happened: Mommy went in for her 38-week checkup and during a test, the doctors thought they saw some fetal distress (the baby's heart rate would go down). They sent her over to the hospital for an ultrasound and the same thing was happening, especially when she layed on her back. So Dr. Irving thought it would be best if they took him out yesterday rather than wait until Monday.

Here's a picture of Mommy while they're getting her ready to take out my baby brother.

As it turns out, his umbilical cord was wrapped around his leg, so it's a really good thing we didn't wait until Monday... he might have rolled over onto it! Here's Baby Boy Valentine Ozdych with Mommy. He weighs 6 lbs., 14 ozs. and is 19 inches long. He loves to eat and sleep and poop (just like our Daddy does!)

I got to meet him this morning... Aunt Beth took a lot of pictures (and so did Aunt Jen... go to her blog to see some of when I got to meet him!) I think he's very handsome. We can't wait for you to meet him, too!

Mommy and I will post more pictures as we take them... and as soon as Daddy and Mommy decide on a name, we'll let you know!

Happy Birthday, Baby Brother!

Love, Mollee

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sorry it's been so long...

Hi, Everybody!

I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted. Mommy couldn't find the hooker-upper thingy for the camera, so we couldn't download any photos. But she found it now so I thought I would post at least one more time before my baby brother comes (for those of you keeping track, that would be in 11 days or less.)

Anyway, last month was very busy. For one thing, I have discovered the joys of "finger food". I sure love my ahwivs (Aunt Steph is so proud!)

My mommy's side of the family came down the second weekend of January. We are so glad that Aunt Beth, Uncle Don, Gramma Jackie and Hunter made it here safe... they had a little car trouble. Aunt Steph and Uncle Adam, as well as Uncle Wow and Aunt Holly were here, too. It was so much fun! Well, except when everyone started getting sick... anyway, you know that Hunter and I love taking baths together, so here's yet another picture of us in the tub!

Here's a good one of Hunter being silly...

It was Uncle Wow and Gramma's birthdays, so we had cake and presents. We got Gramma two of her favorite moomies...

And here I am heping them blow out their candles...

It was so nice to have everyone here, even though Aunt Beth and Uncle Don got sick (a lot!) with what Mommy called "gastroenteritis", whatever that is.

That day, I got sick, too... just a really bad cold with a fever, but I didn't feel really great.

The next day, Mommy got sick, too... we ended up going to the hospital so she could get "fluids" put in her veins. I was such a good girl, I layed on the gurney with her and watched Elmo. Then she got my cold and so did Daddy. But don't worry... we're all fine now.

This is a cute one of me and Daddy after church a couple of weeks ago... I'm rubbing Faust's tail on my face.

Last weekend, Grandma Penny and Bupa came to visit. So did Uncle Wow and Aunt Holly. It was so much fun!

I sat on Uncle Wow's lap and sucked dip off a carrot.

Bupa was feeling pretty good and read lots of stories to me.

Grandma and I read Elmo together...

And that's about all. Mommy's belly is getting really big and she keeps saying that because she's ready for my baby brother that she's just sure he'll stay put until they take him out on the 18th. We even have a carseat in the car with Winnie the Pooh in it. I can't wait until we bring home my brother!

Oh... Aunt Jen took some pictures of me and Mommy in her studio... mostly of my mommy's big belly... but if you would like to see some of them, she has the best ones on her website at in her Portfolio under Families, Babies and Bellies or on her blog (see the link at the right) under Belly and Baby (in January).

So I'll let you know what happens over the next two weeks. Hopefully we'll have lots of good news and pictures to post soon!

Love to you all!
